The HTML code for this demo is quite simple and consists of multiple div for creating the base shape. animation-delay: -.6s; Circle accepts two properties that can be animated: The circle shape is resized in the leave transition from an initial 75% radius (just enough to allow the element to appear fully) down to 0%. Great work! I don't think anybody test project while zoom-in. Then the square is then moved to the opposite side. } The pulse animation has been used for highlighting the profile picture in the header section. Consider the circle shape provided by clip-path. animation-delay: -.6s; There is now a ton of comments on this post which all boil down to one of these 2 positions: b. But first, lets do a quick recap of what were working with. It gives a nice attractive effect to profile photos. :). See the Pen on CodePen. 62.5%{ } Everything I try causes and error in CodeKit. Simple, easy to implement, and effective. Change a HTML5 input's placeholder color with CSS, Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll. The polygon is created to define a shape that spirals inward clockwise from the upper-left of the element. In my case, I used a year. See the Pen Set Text on a Circle - 2012 by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen. Support me and suggest me to work on something new. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? This gives the appearance of the second element melting into view to the bottom. The leave transition plays the animation normally while the enter transition plays the animation in reverse. It was a lot of fun and a great learning experience coming up with a CSS only solution for animating an SVG circle chart. } The spotlight transition is one animation with five keyframes using the circle shape. How do I style a