She says American kids don't like sharing their room and Monica says, "He's a Korean kid." Dan M. Jack K. Jean H; 8 attendees "Minari" Discussion Group Friday, July 16. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR USE WITH ANY FILM THAT IS A WORK OF FICTION Select the questions that will work best with your students and promote your educational goals. Not all Koreans have experienced immigration, but Minari will be able to resonate with all of us because it reminds us of our own childhood memories and families. Grandma sees David as an American kid and Monica asserts that he's a Korean kid. They eventually give up and Monica breaks down as they watch the barn burn. When Monica asks Jacob which family the move was really for, what does she mean? (7:56-9:40), Clip #2: A thunderstorm is in full swing, and everyone's scared. Why? Here are my takeaways via each days discussion. Its a commentary on the future that the Yis might experience. What scene, and why does it stick out in your mind? Thinking back on the movie, is there one scene thats particularly memorable? Review: After an exhausting 2020, the gentle 'Minari' is the movie we need right now. The problem is, Jacob doesnt have a particularly high opinion of the other Korean immigrants. Hand out the graphic organizer and give students a few minutes to complete the Before You Watch question. Be the first to contribute! We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Minari Endoh 4.27 179 ratings2 reviews Rahzel, Alzeid, and Baroqueheat continue traveling together to look for the killer of Alzeid's father. Its implied that the Yi family will come back stronger as farmers and as a family. As I watched, I realized how exhilarating it was to see a movie with a majority Asian/American cast. Integrate their personal and social identities. (27:40-31:25), Clip #6: Grandma (Soonja) makes David a special tea, and he complains about a "Korea" smell in his room. As you say, it *does* feel like a "conventional narrative movie," and one thing it suggests at the script stage (I have yet to see the movie) is it has powerful emotions running through: A man with a dream. MINARI tells the story of the Yi family through the eyes of David (Alan S. Kim), a young boy whose family has uprooted from California to Arkansas to chase his father Jacob's (Steven Yeun) dream of owning a farm.David and his older sister, Anne (Noel Cho), try to find their place in Arkansas, while their mother, Monica (Yeri Han), wishes she was still in California, where she felt comfortable . 18. What do you think about the tension between Jacob's approach and the dowser's approach? Students will also reflect on howtheir ownsense of identity has developed within their family and community-- including the impacts of culture and ancestry. It will be a casually facilitated conversation to those who wish to share their experiences from themes emerged from the film and for those who wish to learn more about AAPI heritage. A marriage teetering on the edge of dissolution. David aspires to be one of the gang and hanging with Johnnie provides that opportunity, however, Johnnie has a wild streak and that stands in opposition to the steadfastness required of the family to survive on the farm. Soon-ja also serves as a link between Monica and Korea by bringing traditional medicines (for David) and native spices. The growing minari also symbolizes hope for the Yi family to thrive in the future. I hear the American dream thrown around a lot [about Minari], and that could mean all kinds of things that I was intentionally not getting into with the movie.. Charming, limpid, and earnest, it's both a familiar tale and a wholly new one.. What's Anne's role in the family? Reading scripts. David wakes up thinking he's wet the bed, but it was Soonja this time because she's had a stroke. DISCUSSION GUIDES 1. Richard Brody began writing for The New Yorker in 1999. Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. This movie is set in the '80s. My students and I wanted to be seen by others and to see ourselvesthe hope that the diversity of who we are would finally be reflected, but theres only so much room for Asian American representation in Hollywood. Anne is a quiet force in the movie, taking care of David and trying to make things easier for her parents. That. 68 talking about this. Who's right? Synopsis But the biggest problem for the couple, as well as their biggest source of contention, remains Davids health. You can also use these in conjunction with the longer lesson plan below. Perhaps this is one of those situations where we think of them as Attractors - obviously David has an emotional connection to Jacob and Monica - and in those moments where the parents are arguing or angry with him or working angles with him to get him to see either of them as his favorite - as "mask" moments. Is she what David expected? Jacob is the oldest son of his family, and the responsibility of taking care of his relatives back home fell squarely on his shoulders, as it often does in conservative societies. Jacob, Monica, David (Alan S. Kim), and Anne (Noel Cho) receive good news when a cardiologist lets the family know that Davids heart murmur will likely heal on its own. Step 4: Write questions that invite reflection. I am a black woman who grew up poor on the Southside of Chicago, and I felt deeply moved and connected to this film because it made me see my parents' struggles in a different way, and thats one of the remarkable things about Minari. The heartfelt film from the studios of A24 tells the tender story of a Korean-American family that starts a farm growing Korean vegetables and endures the struggles of building a home in 1980s Arkansas. The movie taps into common family dynamics that most students will connect with,while complicating those dynamics through a story of migration and cultural displacement. Description. Students can write down responses individuallyand then discuss in pairs, small groups, or as a whole class. Chung has spoken in many interviews, especially in the Reset interview, about creating a personal story that would leave a legacy for his daughter, but he also wanted a story that everyone saw themselves and got out of it different things. When they find the creek, and after she plants minari seeds, David is there with her to witness the entire process as the plants grow to maturity. This affects his productivity at the local hatchery, where both he and Monica work. Jacob hires a dowser to find water. Jacobs refusal to choose his family over the farm compels Monica to say that she wants separation. It could be something that only happened inside of yourself. Our daily schedule: Monday: Scene-By-Scene BreakdownTuesday: PlotWednesday: CharactersThursday: ThemesFriday: DialogueSaturday: Takeaways. that made it especially memorable? and our Things that hide are more dangerous and scary." Do you think this is a positive or negative thing? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Here's a rundown of all those rich details that made the movie so moving: And by the way, it's possible that a few or a lot of these cultural elements aren't exclusive to the Korean community. Jacob (Steven Yeun) moves his family from a comfortable life in California to a small town in Arkansas. Yes, on both counts. Considering Minari is a semi-autobiographical movie, there is no reason to theorize she is dead. Based on Chung's own childhood, 'Minari' is about a Korean American family that moves to rural Arkansas to start a farm. SPOILERS AHEAD. Anticipate and evaluate the consequences of theiractions. "water celery") is a 2020 American drama film written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung. Dowsing is a very old practice considered to be pseudoscience by some and legitimate folk wisdom by others. Apr 22, 2021, 7:22 AM. She says American kids don't like sharing their room and Monica says, "He's a Korean kid." Judging from the script, I'd say David is the Protagonist as the story is told through his perspective. Create something that gives this person a proper shout out. (16:09-19:51), Clip #4: Jacob tells Anne that Koreans immigrate to the U.S. and miss Korean food. Can you identify a choice the filmmakers made about music, camera angles, etc. But as the film progresses, a poignant bond develops between the two. The Minari ending shows the Yi family getting good news, first with Davids heart murmur, and then with Jacob finding a grocer, but the second good news is immediately followed by bad news. The plot changes gears following the introduction of Monicas mother Soon-ja and her limitless optimism. So anyone can pick and eat it. It is hard not to crave the diversity of Asian American life. What are Monica's? Soon after moving to Arkansas with their son, David (Alan S. Kim), and daughter, Anne (Noel Cho), and taking on the monumental project of starting a farm, it becomes clear that the family needs extra help, so Monicas mother, Soon-ja (played by the wonderful Yuh-Jung Youn), moves in to help Monica take care of the kids while Jacob pursues his dream. Is there a "right"? * The water stops: You can't have a farm w/o access to water, so while this may not be as dramatic visually, it certainly up the stakes and odds against the family's success with the farm. Why is it significant that Monica's father died in the Korean War? The mother, Monica (Yeri Han), would rather be in California. (35:37-37:58), Clip #8: The family goes to church, and people there react in various ways to them being Korean. Use this lesson to help students consider how they can: If you only want to show brief parts of the film and discuss them with students, use these helpful clips to get you started. Why? One of the main reasons for the family moving from California to Arkansas is that, unlike Jacob, Monica wasnt a fast enough sexer in the former state. He also explained that minari has a purifying effect and clears poor soil and water. Combine that with their ever-increasing financial woes and Davids heart problems, and you have a recipe for a disintegrating family. It is a Korean story, yes, but its also human storyand a very specific one. Chung wanted to make a particular story, not a universal story. Jacob hires a dowser to find water. Complex characters. Cookie Notice They study film and television and are interesting in directing. Like minari, the family has finally and fully adapted to their new surroundings while maintaining the morsels of individuality that set them apart. Minari won the 2021 Academy Award for best Actress in Supporting Role. I will have a review for it coming soon, so be sure to stop back by to check it out, it will be linked down below. We see this theme of strength played out with David's character. Lee Isaac Chung's depiction of the often lonely path Korean immigrants must tread towards their American dream has won its stars Yuh-jung Youn and Steve Yeun Oscar nominations You can also use these in conjunction with the longer lesson plan below. I do feel confident in this: Soonja is *definitely* a Trickster. What are Jacob's priorities? Discussion Guide 5.12.2016 Pie Digital | Fast Insight 1 Page 2 of 4 Task 1: General exploration, Dashboard Imagine that you recently installed an app on your phone that was going to help you with your home network. As kids, what do moments like this mean about our understanding of the world and how it works? It's expected to be a favorite for several major awards and. The family flees Korea seeking a better life in the United States. What are Jacob's priorities? To access over 90 analyses of previous movie scripts we have read and discussed at Go Into The Story, go here. She tries to convince Jacob to move the family closer to the Korean community in the nearby town. Why does Jacob mention that he's the eldest son? We also see Monica and Paul (Will Patton) with Jacob as he pays to find a new water well, something he was against in the beginning. Minari is a drama about a Korean family that chases after the American dream by moving to the Ozarks on the prospect of making money by filling a niche. A sweet, tender, and authentic look into a Korean family moving into the United States and vying for that elusive American Dream. What unies the narrative? Lets deep dive into the Minari ending. Integrate their personal and social identities. Have students complete the After You Watch Activities. Why do you think so? "Minari is truly the best. Content warning: There are a few scenes to be aware of before you show the movie. You might also want to discuss some of the learning objectives or the concept of active viewing. Christine Elgersma is Senior Editor, Learning Content, Strategy which means she manages the newsletter about learning, edits writing about learning, and loves to learn. Of course, you could also use some combination of the two, adapting the lesson to best suit your class's needs. Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Minari.. Minari is a tender drama that follows the Korean-American Yi family as they try to pursue a slice of the American Dream. Is Soonja what you expected? In her last scene, Soon-ja sits wide awake, watching the Yis sleep on the floor together. Preview the activities students will be doing during the movie. Not everything that happens in Minari is a reflection of reality, but the film is the semi-autobiographical story of writer/director Lee Isaac Chung. For Part 1, to read the Scene-By-Scene Breakdown discussion, go here. Beyond the tornado, why is she angry? Minari movie is now available on PVOD and there has been much talked about this one being nominated for some awards this year. Why does Anne get so angry when Jacob says they worried for nothing? How do our roles in a family sometimes create expectations for us? A Korean family starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. Students will rank certain character traits in order of how important they are to personal growth. that made it especially memorable? Students will rank certain character traits in order of how important they are to personal growth. Later, Anne asks David if he wants to live with mom or dad. Jacob hopes to become a successful farmer, hoping to produce Korean vegetables for the Southern states' growing Korean population. The time stamps can help you pick and choose your areas of focus. Grandma sees David as an American kid and Monica asserts that he's a Korean kid. You might also want to discuss some of the learning objectives or the concept of active viewing. Major kudos to Aditya Raute for doing this weeks scene-by-scene breakdown. Why? Can you think of someone from your own life, from history, or from a piece of media that's like Anne -- a bit of an "unsung hero" who helps keep things going? Why does the movie end with Jacob commenting on the minari, and why is it the title of the movie? Can you think of a situation where you make your voice heard even though you can't really change what's happening? It's interesting to track both of them, how they compare and contrast. Develop interests and a sense of purpose. (1:02:06-1:03:57), Clip #11: After David gets hurt, Grandma emphasizes how strong he is. Seeing as the movie is about the struggles of trying to get a farm up and running, it's not surprise that three big events -- well, two really big ones, another which is not as dramatic visually, but just as impactful -- are tied to weather and the land: * The tornado: Not only a danger in and of itself, but a metaphor for the "storm" within the family. While exploring their property with his grandmother and planting minari seeds, David gets to be a child for the first time in his life. "Minari" Discussion Group Friday July 16. This event has passed. Of course, you could also use some combination of the two, adapting the lesson to best suit your class's needs. In March 2021, Minari earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture, and star Steven Yeun and Korean film legend Youn Yuh-jung both earned acting nominations. Exhibit self-discipline and self-motivation. For Part 5, to read the Dialogue discussion go here. Why does his grandma telling him he's a "strong boy" contradict the identity he's used to? That makes it seem like that dream is possible for all BIPOC people, when we know thats just not true. You will receive a verification email shortly. A FOOW (Fish-Out-Of-Water) dynamic. How would you describe the behavior of the people at church toward the Yi family? The Oscars have a long history of diversity issues, including that they were dominated by white men. On the church bus, kids joke about Paul not having water. While she was in California, she was surrounded by other Korean expatriates, which created a sense of community. Grandma drinks it, he's punished, and Grandma defends him. (42:44-49:43), Clip #9: David dumps out his tea and urinates in the cup. Clip #1: Jacob explains how the male chicks are "discarded," and that means it's important to be useful. Create a "farm" that represents the things that motivate you to learn and grow as a person. (4/5 stars) Directed by: Lee Isaac Chung. It's accessible to 9th graders but can also sparkmore nuanced conversations for 12 graders. Make sure to pause periodically (feel free to use the timestamps above) and give kids a chance to write or draw responses to the prompts on their handouts. Show the entire film with a more in-depth lesson plan and. Here is everything you need to know about the films ending. For Part 2, to read the Plot discussion, go here. The new movie Minari (PG-13) tells the story of Jacob, Monica and their family as they chase a better future in the 1980s rural South. The disconnect which all of them start to feel in their ramshackle trailer in the middle of nowhere continues to fester within Monica throughout the film. How to Watch All Quiet on the Western Front. Specifically: "It grows anywhere." What does Jacob's decision to grow Korean vegetables in Arkansas say about culture and identity? Understand the influences of organizations and systems of behavior. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}Everything We Know About 'Girls Trip 2' So Far. The world and how it works how the male chicks are `` discarded, '' and means! The world and how it works him he 's a Korean family moving into the States... A situation where you make your voice heard even though you ca n't really change what happening! 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