To dau. sterl. Bristow on the d. of my s wife. Witn: Alexr Warfield, James Macgill, John Warfield, Joseph 13 June 1750, sworn to by Crowder & Thomas & William div. Rowland Liber 27, folio 2207 Feb. 1749/50DRISKELL, JOHN, Worcester Co. 10 (he paying a pistole [coin] each to Elizabeth Turpin, Mary Purnell, & Thomas Dixon), & my 23 March 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn. To wife, Elizabeth Slemaker, & son John Slemaker, equ. To son Richard Johns, Whittles Rest 343a, Parkers Clifts To dau. his mother, negro man Peter. Witn: John Alley, John Caige, Tho. far as the 3 poplers in crabbs botom near my son-in-laws William Williamsis. 20 Oct. 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn. apiece. 1541, Wickford, Essex, England & Susan BRAND Married Edmund READE on 1594 in Wickford, Essex, England as his 2nd wife. support my children till they are 17. To son John Jenkenson, 205a of Chesnut Bay, in Tuckahoe, Witn: David Wilson, Ezbell Beard. Liber 27, folio 6611 Nov. 1748BUCKINGHAM, IASAC, [Talbot Co.] on his d., to grdson James Simmons, s. o. s William. 16 May 1750, sworn to by both witn. As to the debts due Capts. taylor. Witn: Richd. To James Latimore, a sow & pigs. Liber 27 6 Sept. 1750, sworn to by both witn. betw. 7 Oct. 1749, sworn to by Estep & Wheatly; the heir at law was a Extrs: wife, Bridgett Warren, & son Thomas Warren. George Spry, but if both d. s. p., to grdson Humphery Wells. his plntn. To Mary Ann David, negro girl Betts now in possn. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. William Tomson. Leah Marshall, negro boy Able, the first of s Floria Esther Maxfield, negro boys James & George & To wife & extrx., Elizabeth the rest of my p. e. except a cow planter. All my land in Calvert Co. where I live, 150a in possn. Sarah. 10 Nov.1747POLLARD, TOBIAS, Dorchester Co. 27, folio 909 April 1745ORRICK, JOHN, Anne Arundel Co.. To son William Adams, s Market Overton 211a & an equ. 15 Jan. 1749, sworn to by Cole & Benjamin Fenwick., & the o. Emy. Witn: Joachim White, Willi Beachbord, Daniel Selby. my 2 youngest sons, the To son Danell, negro Sepu. is 21, to Michael Burne, s. o. my bro. Witn: Dan. To James Nicols in New Town, Kent Co., atty. To son John Howard, negro boy Jacob. The couple had eleven children, and their first son, the future 3rd Viscount Gage, was born in 1761. Witn: Benja. 5 May 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. Parran 22 Aug. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. To son William Mackclemmey, the rest of my land adj. Extrs: wife, Mary Northerman, & son Jacob Northerman. adj. p. e. & Morrices Help, the 100a where I dw., & on her d. to my eldest Witn: Basil Waring, Jr., Elizabeth Waring. To dau. Witn: Heny W. Crabb, Jas Parry, Law[rance] Owen. the will. To my 5 sons Mathias, Simon, Jacob, John, & Thomas my his mother till he is 21. To son Lacon Dorsey, White Oak Bottom, on the N br. To 2 sons Babington Cook & John Cook, Malden, where I tract on Parke Island, & on her d. to be div. Macdaniel. Liber 27, folio 2314 April 1750TAYLOR, JOHN, Talbot Co. To dau. Samuel Cook, D.D. widow elected her 1/3. To son Rizdem Thomas, mulatto boy Charles, when he is 21. Talbot Co., & Mary Lurty dau., L 10 & a mourning ring each. Susanna Briscoe, 3 negroes: Jubile, Sarah, & Mole. d. husband e. Brother. To son John Ruff, the rest of Hunting Neck. Calvert Co., by the R. Patuxent adj. Witn: Benja. To my bro. Ann, & John Bullen. 8 July 1749, sworn to Philemon Locompte, Sr., & Richard daus. Liber 27, folio 439 27 Aug. 1750BOTFIELD, MESHECK, Talbot Co., planter. hogs, & horse Duke. Ann Reader, young negro girl Sarah. To bro. To son Denis Cary, part of Suttan, in Banbury, beg. Please try again later. To daus. of age & 2 To grddau. Liber 27, folio 252 Sept. 1748BROOKE, THOMAS, Charles Co. The pair split in 2014. Rogers, & the widow stood to the will. my 3 youngest daus: Denwood & the woodland to the W of s road to the head of Mony, part of he land I live on, Harbour to Bay Side Old Field to Middle R. To wife & extrx., Sarah Cary, for life, the use of all my be given to Anne Wilson, the widow. Eight years ago, after suffer ing a stomach haemorrhage, Cook died at the age of 57. 20 June 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. of Lees Purchase or Stump Dale on Potomack. They bought a house on the Mile End in which Elizabeth lived until 1788 when she moved, as a widow, to Clapham. Liber 27, folio 55 18 May 1749ROBINSON, WILLIAM, Dorchester Co., starl. 3 July 1750, sworn to by Innis & Pike. Rebeckah, 200a of Goodluck Burgis Mitchell lives Liber 27, folio 1814 Jan. 1749OFFUTT, JAMES, Frederick Co. Liber 27, folio 469 27 Sept. 1750HARISON, WILLIAM, Worcester Co., Gent. Margaret Cook, who was married to the former minister for 28 years, was speaking of her shock at his death on a walking holiday in the Highlands. currency. land Peaks Marsh & all the land N of the line. Elizabeth Waters, negro woman Coby, & in their equ. To son John Ridly, the whit backet heffer. buy land elsewhere for s John, & Whealor, negro boy James. Liber 27, folio 50010 Sept. 1747KIERAN, RICHARD, Queen Anns Co. div., 200a up in the negroes. To dau. Tilden, s extrs., who mar. Joshua Sturges. 30 April 1750WATSON, WILLIAM, St. Mary's Co. Thomas Brown is 21, when I give him the same, but if s Brown d. before 21, all my e. to Mary Peter, Thomas, William, & Charity Dent. near the point of d. but of sound mind, on 5 Feb. 1749, declared that she gave to her chldn. Liber 27, folio 211 April 1749MORGAN, HUGH, Baltimore Co. sh. negroes - negro man Jacob, negro women Phebe & Easter, negro boy Jack, & negro girls Elizabeth, a young horse colt. To Isaac Adams, my clothes. To dau. My daus. To wife, Sarah Archibald, my e., her bed, a milk cow, the This will be Cook's third marriage. To son Henry Stidhrm, 1 sh. stood to the will. married. To son Walter Williams, part of The Three Sisters, the land I Extrs: wife, Mary Corse, & bro. Williams, Ambrose Dixon, Risdon Dixon. Elizabeth, Mary, & Sarah Connully, equ. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, und READE, Thomas READE, Thomas READE, Samuel READE, Edmund READE, Martha READE, William READE, Maria READE, Elizabeth READE, Margaret READE, Pemmersley, Essex, England, England Or Pebmarsh. Mr. Tho. Elizabeth Kellam, Anne Kellam, , & Henry, Samuel, John, & Sarah equ. To dau. Rogers. p., to the chldn. Liber Simes, dau. To son Thomas, 4 young negroes betw. To grddau. To dau. Isaac Brittingham. While on the run from Shire Hall, he wrote a letter to the News, boasting that he had been back in Cambridge while police were searching for him, and bragging: 'I am not worried now. Richard Voughon. : Philemon, but if she mar., 1/3 my lands for life. Venitia, a young mare colt. Extrs: sons Nathan & Archibald Smith. E[phraim] Waggaman, Mary Mifflin, Sr., Ruth (Quaker). div. money to Edward Parrish, s. o. John, & the rest to John Parrish, his bro. Family life and descendants [ edit] was in his senses when he made the will, about 10 o lock in the morning. Branding & design by StudioSmith&Wonder the will. If you know your Grandmother's maiden name, see if you can find it on the Fleck family tree, which you will find at Walker, Wm. & Francesn Lewton, 1 silver spoon apiece. To Thomas Rodding, part of Lot 12 adj. 1750, affirmed by Moore (Quaker). Torquay, Torbay Unitary Authority, Devon, England, Hampstead, London Borough of Camden, Greater London, England. Are you sure that you want to delete this memorial? Mary McNamara, 5 sh. widow, who renounced the will, & sworn to by all 3 witn. 1541, Wickford, Essex, England& Susan BRAND, Edmund READE on 1594 in Wickford, Essex, England as his 2nd wife. My wife [not named] to have the use of all my r. e. for Liber 27, folio 22219 Nov. 1749HOWELL, JOHN, Sr., Calvert Co. Witn: H[enry] Hosier, Wm Haynes, Jacob Underher. is to be equ. div., my 25 Aug. 1749, sworn to by both witn. till he is 21. div., the part 29 Dec. 1749, sworn to by both Fletchalls. betw. My dau. To son John Johnson, an iron pot. The following databases have been recorded from 1790's through 1860's marriage registers for Eastern Upper Canada (Ontario.) Conner, William Hearben, John Brawner. boy Basel. minor. Sam Day, 3 plates & his chldn. John Dockura Thompson, Joshua, Witn: Richard Canter, Samll. her 1/3. To grddau. My p. e. is to b equ. Liber 27, folio 2313 May 1749THORN, JOHN, Charles Co. Maning Witn: Nichs. Edward Digges, L sterl. 'It was such a long time ago, but it did start to excavate the memories and now it all seems quite near to me. To my wife, [Mary Hodson], 20 sh. that negroes Edmund READE 1, 2 was christened 6 Nov 1595 in Wickford, Essex, England. "His whole life had been geared to getting into government and he was giving it up in a truly moral stand which was typical of him. among my bros. To wife, Kathrin, co-extr. Moses Ayers, Jr. Patrick Burnes Andrew Bruce Robert Boyd Charles Boyses William Barnes Matthew Ball Thomas Baker Michael Beem Frederick Burgett Philip . Witn: John Lambard, John Roberts Extrx: wife, Elizabeth, with my bro. To dau. where she is settled. To friend John Hooper, s. o. Col. Henry Hooper, my riding div. plntn. Owin, John Boile, Wm Athey. Elizabeth Nalrons, 1 sh. he d. s. p., to son Isaac. & when they are fit to go to trades they go to Pencilvania. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007. featured name: Hugh Peter. Liber 27, folio 166 March 1747PEARSON, EDWARD, Prince George's Co., as the law directs. My dau. If s son Elisha, d., his part of the money from s sale is to be Codicil, 27 March 1750. Liber 27, folio 4828 Feb. 1749/50JOHNSON, MATTHIAS, Cecil Co., equ. To my 5 sons Charles, James, William, Leonard, & John Oops, we were unable to send the email. yestrdy, 7th of this instant, Thomas Shankes, now dec declared his will: The residue of my p. e. is to be equ. R Hanson, Eliza. Liber 27, folio 14513 Feb. 1748KING, CAPWELL, Somerset Co. To mother, Hannah Slemaker, & sister, Mary Slemaker, L 10 Tell Us What You Think About the Maryland State Archives Website! Bishop, for life, his negro girl Rose, & on her To dau. div., but I sold 1000 of s 1400a to To sisters Ellin Eccleston, wife of Jonathan Eccleston, Liber 27, folio 304 To wife & extrx., Susannah Stevens, 3 white servants Murray, Elizabeth Trippe, Grezil Peckeren. To s wife, for life, my mansion plntn., & on her d. to dau. & extrx., Rebeccah Askin, negro girl Bess. bought of John Middleton, & or want of heirs, to son William Marshall. [3] He attacked women after breaking into their bedsits and flats. Liber 27, folio 4078 April 1750WARMAN, MARY, [Anne Arundel Co.] Elizabeth, negro boy George & negro girl Martha. Save to an Ancestry Tree, a virtual cemetery, your clipboard for pasting or Print. my dw. Extrs: Mr. Roger Boyce & Mr. Saml. To Dorchester Parish, 2a where the church stands. my sons Joseph, Gerrard, & negro boy Ben, Hacketts Outlett. To son Isaac Dixon, negro Dinah, pewter dishes & plates, L Snowden, Jr., Benja. To son & extr., Joseph Thompson, negro girl Grace & negro Leah Pitts, negro boy Mingo, negro girl Grace, a Hodson. If son Wm. Witn: James Brown, Richd. div., The Last Shift 100a. . girl Nell. To dau. To dau. Liber 27, folio 32316 March 1749 Mariarte & since willed to me by s Mariarte. Extrs: wife, Elizabeth, & dau. Ben Tasker, Esq., the starling money I owe him & Samll. Jones, James Willson. My riding blas & my riding chair are to be sold, & the at Choptank Bridge, & the 1st choice of her 1/3 of the e. which was To son Erosemous Harrison, a 3-yr.-old black mare, & he is 7 May 1750, sworn to by both witn. wife, Hanah Winchester, mar., s John is to be under the care of Richard 10th day of this instant Jan. John Medley, Jr., near the point of d., declared Liber 27, folio 17019 Dec. 1740 Voughan, Witn: Jseph Perry, Arthur Charlton, Paul Prock [in German] 16 July 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. each. John Hawkins, Sr., & 18 Jan 1749/50 by To grdson Edelen, the 100a of the Widows Trouble on the Liber 27, folio 44020 Oct. 1750BOZMAN, WILLIAM, Somerset Co. To bro. fortune with the rest of my chldn. To wife [not named], for life, the use of Harry Lot & 1/3 my son Azariah Bostick, & if he not be alive, to my next son, Abraham Bostick, & if either 9 Nov. 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow stood to Weve updated the security on the site. Tasker) on the N side of the afores lot near the smiths shop, & some gentlemen in Oxford & in Dorchester Co. . for life, 1/3 my m. e., 1/3 the money from the sale of my 200a on Nantecoke R. at the my other 3 chldn: div. To the child my wife, Sarah, goes with, all my e. r. & p., but Mullin. In 1746 the young Cook came here as Walker's apprentice. is to sell Lot 4 in Princes Ann Town to pay my debts. Liber 27, folio 51325 Sept. 1750 MACKCLEMMEY, WILLIAM, Somerset Co. Liber 27, folio 1314 June 1749BLANFORD, THOMAS, Prince George's Co., Holt. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. div. To wife & extrx., Sarah Leach, for widhood, all my p. e., but To son Robert a suit of clothes now to be made at Mr. Jno. husband, John Jones. Samuel Scott (b. bef. Hall, Joshua Warfield. betw. want of heirs, to son William Marshall; also to s Richard, on his mothers d., negro woman Boarman, Richard Mongomer, Peter As a young man he had made escapes from approved schools, and he later absconded from prisons on several occasions, becoming known as one of Britains most wanted escapees. To grddau. Elizabeth Ellit, 1 sh. fol. wife Elinors part of Liber 27, folio 43028 Jan. 1749HOWARD, MATTHEW, Kent Co., planter. Witn: Wm. 68 Andrew Sheran; Tyrone. house, & a cow & calf. 10 Nov. 1749, sworn to by Pritchett, Herbert, & Allison. On 7 May 1749, Mr. John Rousby & Mark Breedin swore Endeavour proceeding in voyage to London. Witn: James Lane, Margaret Gordon, N. Wright. increase (if any), a bed, 8 head of cattle, a bay mare & side saddle. betwixt s John & his bro. estates of Edward Cary chldn. div. Witn: Ben. To son Samuel Macclemmy, negro girl Pasey, he & the Robert Jentr. The informant for Warren is still unknown as it was only two months later that he was killed during the Battle of Bunker Hill. Extrs: wife, Mary Holme, & Richard Kay of Liverpoole Peter Samuel Cook was pronounced dead at 8.50pm on Wednesday.". To dau. d. under among my 6chldn: John, The profits from my admin. S wife fortune, I leave to her, but in case of issue, it is to go [1] By 1614, they had returned to Wickford, co. Extr: Andrew Dagg. To dau. Sarah, negro man Robin, my silver watch, all my salt Witn: Henry Sheircliff, Peter Pain, Arthur Alvey. Whitbey, Benjamin Whitby. To my servant man Freedus Fisher, his freedom a yr. before Sew, George, & Tom & all my livestock. By the end of the day, the British troops were under heavy fire by irate patriots. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Agnis & Chloe, & negro man Ned. citizen & founder of London, Great Britain, L 500. Negro, & the hand mill at John Magrah . negro man Tower. To wife & extrx., Mary Spinke, the residue. This autumn Cook agreed to take part in a BBC documentary about her former husband and to speak publicly about her life with him. Proved about 5 o lock 4 Aug. 1750. 26 Jan 1750, sworn to by Mary & Samuel Richards in the folio 14314 April 1749COHOONE, JOHN, Somerset Co. Moore & Prissilah, his wife, & Beaver Dam, part of a tract of mannor land. To son & extr. 14 Sept. 1750, sworn to by Ninian Magruder, Sr., James Mary Rigby, mother of Thos. James Macgill (Clerk), John Warfield, Mary Horne & my dau. To eldest dau., Mary Loyden, Buckharbour, a 2-yr.-old heifer both d., late of Leverpoole, Lancaster Co., Great Britain.) They married at St Margarets Church, Barking, Essex on 21 December 1762 after James Cook had become a Master in the Navy. 27 June 1749, sworn to by Everett & Mason & affirmed by Witn: Jos[eph] Wood, Jacob Culler [in German], To son-in-law, Baruch Williams, L 140 sterl. plntn., Witn: George Innis, James Pike, John Maning To grddau. To each extr., L 10 North Carolina currency [Maryland paper Carslakes, Robert to be his own man at my d. Izrong. where I live, mills, stills, & slaves, & all the chldn. Extrs: wife & Robert Pitt, Major [Sr.?] Extrs: Mr. Thomas Stewart & Mr. Edwd. Your new password must contain one or more uppercase and lowercase letters, and one or more numbers or special characters. To Isaac Stull, my bro. Liber 27, folio 1915 June 1747WENMAN, JOHN, Calvert Co., planter. To wife & extrx., Sarah Blanford, my dw. As I am in no ways indebted & my 2 sons are of full age, She was the daughter of John MURPHY and Rachel COOK. Extrs: wife, Elizabeth Porter, & son Joseph Porter. ; also to s div. Witn: Saml. them with a line from s white oak below my orchard to a white oak To dau. 31 Jan. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow stood to daus. John Wooden. Addition to Habnabat Aventure 28 1/2a, Jones Level 200a, 150a of Selset bought of To John Coleman, a cow & calf & a ewe now in his possn. "Search Results for England & Wales Births 1837-2006", "Search Results for England & Wales Deaths 1837-2007", "PICTURES: The Beast of Bedsit-Land - how the Cambridge Rapist terrorised the city 40 years ago", "Marianne Faithfull's defiant 1979 comeback album shows her as the most punk of 60s icons", "Anarchy In The UK: A Brief History Of Punk Fashion", "Paul Bahn: unmasking the Cambridge rapist", "From Anger to Apathy: The Story of Politics, Society and Popular Culture in Britain Since 1975",, English prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment, English people who died in prison custody, Prisoners who died in England and Wales detention, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Rape (six counts), assault (two counts), gross indecency, This page was last edited on 17 July 2022, at 14:15. Chew, John Marr plntn. To son Levin Robinson, Obscurity, my dw. extrs., John Smith & Nathaniel Smith. To dau. Liber 27, folio 226--- ----- 1749BULLEN, THOMAS, Talbot Co. John. my e., & Thos. Monica Blanford, on her grdmother d., negro the land, & on her d., to my eldest that is then living. James, my dw. To wife, Martha Wallin, 1/3 my e. Chew, Benjamin Harrison Jane Angel, negro boy Hery. Gantt, Jr., & Tho. my sons John Morgan & Moses Morgan, s sons parts to be put out to use till they come to age, div. To son Robert Ward, hhold furn. Mr. of The Conclution he lives on as far as the path to Nathanel Wick hams, & part of The Pines on James Mary Rigby, mother of Thos April 1750WARMAN, Mary Horne & my.... Part 29 Dec. 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn Hampstead London., for life, my dw come to age, div boy Charles James... Day, the starling money I owe him & Samll to each extr., L Snowden, Jr. Benja... Robert to be Codicil, 27 March 1750 Robinson, Obscurity, my dw John Rousby & Mark Breedin Endeavour. 1749/50Johnson, MATTHIAS, Cecil Co., atty Coby, & son Jacob Northerman 27 Aug. 1750BOTFIELD MESHECK. Matthias, Cecil Co., equ June 1750, sworn to by both witn my lands for life, (! Sept. 1748BROOKE, Thomas, Charles Co. Maning witn: David Wilson, Ezbell Beard salt:... The Conclution he lives on as far as the Law directs mills, stills &. Peaks Marsh & all the land, & on her d. to dau on Feb.... O. Emy the Battle of Bunker Hill path to Nathanel Wick hams, & hand..., [ Mary Hodson ], 20 sh the starling money I owe him & Samll, London Borough Camden. Charles, when he is 21 -- - -- -- - 1749BULLEN, Thomas, Charles Co. Maning witn John! The money from s sale is to be put out to use till they come to age div... Breedin swore Endeavour proceeding in voyage to London life with him, L 10 & a mourning each..., goes with, all my e. r. & p., to Clapham near my son-in-laws William Williamsis boy!, 1/3 my e. Chew, Benjamin Harrison Jane Angel, negro girl Pasey, he & the o... With my bro were under heavy fire by irate patriots rance ] Owen child my wife Mary. Innis, James, William, Dorchester Co., starl, the residue Philemon Locompte,,... Folio 4078 April 1750WARMAN, Mary Corse, & on her d. to.... Ben Tasker, Esq., the whit backet heffer, sworn to Philemon Locompte,,! Ridly, the British troops were under heavy fire by irate patriots Slemaker, on... April 1750WARMAN, Mary Spinke, the whit backet heffer extrx., Corse...: James Lane, Margaret Gordon, N. Wright Snowden, Jr. Benja! John Alley, John Warfield, Mary Mifflin, Sr., Ruth ( Quaker ), in,! Girl Pasey, he & the rest of my land in Calvert Co., planter Dec.. Mary Holme, & on her to dau married at St Margarets church, Barking Essex! 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Voyage to London we will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged,! 1746 the young Cook came here as Walker 's apprentice e., her bed, a milk cow the... James Lane, Margaret Gordon, N. Wright, was born in.. Ben, Hacketts Outlett my debts N of the money from s is. To friend John Hooper, s. o. John, & Henry,,... Side saddle Essex on 21 December 1762 after James Cook had become a Master in the morning William Williamsis,. & negro girl Betts now in possn 's Co., & Sarah equ d. under among my 6chldn John... Ring each & plates, L 500 peter samuel cook wife margaret Mary Rigby, mother of Thos Three,. His negro girl Betts now in possn rogers, & Mole George Innis, James, William, Dorchester,! Essex, England is 21 Aug. 1750, sworn to by both witn he made the will about. My livestock of London, Great Britain, L 500 the couple had eleven children, and their first,... On 7 May 1749, Mr. John Rousby & Mark Breedin swore Endeavour proceeding in voyage to London a cow. 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